Crafting an Impressive College Application Extracurricular Resume

Crafting an Impressive College Application Extracurricular Resume

Crafting a compelling extracurricular resume can greatly enhance your chances of gaining admission to your dream college. In this blog post, we’ll walk you through the steps to create a stellar extracurricular resume that will make you stand out from the crowd.


This document is your opportunity to showcase your interests, passions, and the impact you’ve had outside the classroom. It helps admission officers get a better sense of who you are as a person and what you can bring to their campus community.


Begin by gathering all the relevant information you’ll need to create your extracurricular resume. This includes:


  • Your extracurricular activities: List all clubs, organizations, and sports teams you’ve been a part of during high school.
  • Leadership roles: Highlight any leadership positions you’ve held within these activities.
  • Awards and honors: Make a note of any awards, scholarships, or recognitions you’ve received.
  • Volunteering and community service: Record your involvement in community service projects or volunteer work.
  • Work experience: Include any part-time jobs or internships you’ve had.
  • Special skills or talents: If you have unique skills or talents (e.g., playing a musical instrument, speaking multiple languages), mention them.

Be Specific and Quantify Achievements

When describing your involvement in extracurricular activities, be specific and quantify your achievements whenever possible. For example, instead of saying, “Participated in the school’s environmental club,” you could say, “Served as President of the school’s environmental club, leading a team of 15 members in organizing weekly clean-up initiatives, resulting in a 30% reduction in campus waste.”


Remember, your extracurricular resume is not just a list of activities; it’s a reflection of your character and the impact you’ve made outside the classroom.


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